Monday, May 11, 2015

Ada Riven Dedication Plaque

About 4 years ago, due to budgetary constraints and financial challenges, the Beth Rivkah Library sadly closed its doors.
Well, when Ada Riven Herzog a"h got wind of this dreadful decision, she decided that she would have none of it! Having a daughter herself, she well understood the importance and need of having quality Jewish books for frum girls to read. She decided to be proactive and do something about it.
So...she volunteered and became the school librarian! Even though she was already struggling with the illness which eventually claimed her life, she selflessly and determinedly dedicated herself to re-building and replenishing the school library. Week after week, no matter the weather and despite considerable personal hardship, she toiled with great effort to bring the library back to its previous great splendour and glory. And to her incredible credit and acclaim, succeed she did! Continue Reading