
Let me remind everyone, of some Gmachim, which are alive and well, BH in our wonderful commUNITY!
If you have others to add, please post them too! The more, the merrier
The Refuah Gmach (in memory of Mrs N. Rubin a"h), from Chaverim, is located at the Chanowitzs
During the weekdays, pls call  before u come, if possible.
We also have, by appointment only:
  •  a small upshern gmach
  • a simchas kallah pushka, and  lubavitch wedding planner
  • a tambourine gmach. 
  • a tablecloth gmach,
  • a dozen centerpieces, trompe loeil  flower and vase
  • a framed Rebbes letter centerpiece, for both a bar and bas mitzvah
  • a $ money Gmach, special for BRHS students, in memory of Aida bas Doba Berl Herzog obm
  • a folding table on loan,
  • the tznius hospital gown gmach, we should ONLY need for healthy maternity Please Gd
  • books, and games for kids, to borrow and return.
    in loving memory of Mrs Miriam Rubin a'h
    in honor of her upcoming yartzeit
    available for Bas mitzvas , Chasunas, Simchos, etc
Most of these require a small deposit, which will be returned in full, when the item comes back in time.
I have different Shir La'malos with clips: one side the Shir La'malos and the other side the Rebbe's picture or the Mivtzoim . The most ideal time is to have it during labor and birth to be put under the pillow until the birth and after to be put in the baby's crib. Make sure to have one before you give birth. To obtain some contact Rochel at 514-813-9770 or 514-737-6120 or Easy birth and healthy child.